The F Word

"This is such strong work about an incredibly important issue"

Tony Moorey, Group Content Director, Magic Radio


A 7 day campaign on Magic Radio exploring the F Word - fertility. Featuring real and raw stories, expert advice and kick starting open conversation on the often complicated path to parenthood


- 20 x 2" packages, played throughout the course of campaign week, featuring couples and individuals around the UK who are on their unique journeys to parenthood
- 1 x 120" programme that featured on the Saturday evening of campaign week


A week long campaign on Magic Radio that explored The F Word: fertility.

1 in 7 couples or individuals in the UK struggle to become parents, yet infertility is still a big taboo. From freezing sperm and eggs in the face of chemotherapy, to miscarriages, trans and same sex TTC journeys, races against biological clocks, knowing when to stop trying, eggs/sperm donors and surrogates, and of course IVF - there is a lot to talk about when it comes to the often complicated journey to parenthood.

Including raw and real stories from people across the UK, expert insight and helpful advice, 20 x 2" packages peppered the station's schedule throughout the course of a week, culminating with a 2 hour special show on Saturday night, hosted by Magic's Emma B, with special guest Lisa Faulkner and expert Professor Joyce Harper, plus more guests.

From the packages to the special show, The F Word campaign was an incredibly detailed, thought provoking, honest, inclusive and warm series for those who are, or know someone who is, on the often complicated journey to parenthood.

Supported by the Audio Content Fund.

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